In The Heart Of Confidence, There Is ACTION!

action confidence help leadare theleadershipprogramme Aug 07, 2023

Confidence is not a waiting game; confidence can be built through action; it is a skill you can learn. Taking small steps helps you build confidence so you can take bigger and bolder steps as the time progresses. You can do it!

No one is born with confidence; it is a skill you can learn and build up through your life. 

The belief that you should wait to feel confident to act is really wrong and I would advise you to let it go.

You can build your confidence starting today.

The way to build confidence towards your goals is to act.

In the heart of confidence, there is action you take every day.

Small deliberate action, very small steps towards the goal you have can help you find the courage and confidence to take bigger and bolder steps as the time progresses.

The secret here is to not wait to feel confident because you will wait forever.

If you have been raised in a family where you were praised to take steps and do things on your own, you have already built confidence, you have it in you, you just need to remember it.

If you have been raised in a family where everybody was “helping” you all the time, you may feel inadequate, weak and afraid to do anything on your own.

In this case, find someone who can help you.

Find someone whom when you see, you admire their confidence and let them help you build your own.

You can do it!

Keep going my friend, you are about to transform your life to the one you deeply desire.

You have this.

And I have you.

With love,