No Is A Full Sentence

leadare love lovemyself noisafullsentence self care Jul 31, 2023

You don’t have to justify it, you don’t have to feel guilty about it. NO simply means that at the specific moment, something else is more important.

I meet so many people who can not say NO.

They are angry, frustrated with other people because they ask specific things from them and they always say YES.

When you are asked to do something though, you are not obliged to say YES.

You may say YES most times because you have grown up in an environment that you were not allowed, you were not accepted, you were not loved if you didn’t do what others asked you to do so you ended up saying YES all the time to please others and you succeeded. You needed to succeed in order to survive in that system.

Now though, as an adult with decades of life on your shoulders, you don’t have to always say YES.

Saying YES always means that you put others higher on your priority list than yourself.

And when this happens, guess who is left angry and disappointed and exhausted?

YOU, your own amazing self.

Saying NO doesn’t mean that you don’t care or love someone else.

It simply means that at that moment something else is your priority.

Only this.

At that specific moment, you choose to focus on something else.

It may be a personal need to satisfy, it may be work, it may be rest, it may be one million of things that are more important for your own self being in that specific moment.

And try to not feel guilty…guilt comes from believing that we are doing something wrong and as we said before it comes from the way you have been brought up.

Taking care of your own needs is your responsibility, and is not selfish.

And remember, when you say NO to others, you simply say YES to you and vice versa.

It is more than OK to say NO without any justification.

You can do it!

Try it today and let me know.

Start from something small and then move on to more important and hard situations.

The people who are rooting for your rise will be OK when you say NO.

You can do it!


With love,