Self Care Daily Habits

affirmations dailyhabits emotionalintelligence feelings gratitude leadare rest self care theleadershipprogramme Aug 21, 2023

Self care is a responsibility, not something selfish. These are the four habits that my clients and I perform daily in order to take care of ourselves.

Self care shows love towards us and the truth is that we can never show love to someone else if we do not feel full of this love ourselves.

There are four main daily habits that I perform every single day.

These work for me and for some of my clients; it is our responsibility to find the specific habits that we need daily so we can nurture the relationship we have with ourselves and satisfy our needs.

Take regular breaks

When tired, rest. Do not give up. Take a rest, a 20 min nap, a stroll around the house/office to stretch your legs and connect to nature, go for a run or read your favourite book. One of my favourite breaks is to lie in bed for 5 mins to accept whatever comes to my body, mind and soul.

Connect to all your emotions

Feel…don’t numb the feelings with drinks, food, exhaustion from hard work. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotion comes to you. Allow to come up to feel it in your body for 3-5 mins. There is magic that happens when feeling our emotions and do not block them doing something not to feel them. There is growth, peace, calm. When you feel all your emotions, you give them space and time to be felt, then they leave…you find peace, calmness, you feel that you can go on with your life. So, feel the joy, the happiness, the sadness, the fear, the stress, the worry…feel them all and continue with your day. You can do this!

Use affirmations to connect to the results you want

Every day I use affirmations for a couple of things I want to create in my life. Affirmations help us believe that something is done before it happens; they help ourselves to believe and connect to the specific emotion of how we will be feeling when this is done, we take inspired actions. Affirmations work and should be used by everybody who wants to get results and change their vibration to a new state. The phrase I love to use is: “I am so happy and grateful now that” - and then you add the goal you want - i.e. “I have 10 new clients in my Leadership Programme.”

Choose your own affirmations every day and do not change them until you have reached your goal.

Gratitude List

Every morning I write a gratitude list. I am expressing gratitude for every person in my life, all the material things I have in my life, house, fresh air, living by the sea, the people in my life and all my clients. Showing gratitude for everything you have every day earthens you, helps you start your day from a positive and very appreciative state. And when you appreciate what you already have, more of what you want comes to you. Start writing your gratitude list every day and share your feelings with me. You will soon realise it is THE best start of the day.

Hope this list of daily habits helps. Please feel free to contact me should you want to share your experience or if you have any questions.

Remember, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself every day. This is your right.

Claim it and help yourself thrive in this world.


With love,