Speak Your Mind

freedom leadare speakyourmind truth Jun 18, 2023

Learn how to speak your mind with belief and confidence overcoming fear and worries regarding what other people will say and feel. 

We are afraid to share our opinion and speak our minds.

We find people with similar opinions and if we are challenged by anyone else we don’t like them and we never speak with them again.

Although we may raise our voice and share what everybody else thinks, the moment we believe something else, something totally different from all others, we don’t share it, we actually deny it to ourselves and we hide it deep in us.

The main reason this happens is because we have learned that people don’t accept you, do not love you if you believe something totally different especially if this challenges their behaviours and lives.

And this again starts from our early years in life, when we were kids and we would sit with family to share our views and people would say: “You don’t know what you are talking about.” or “You make me sad.” or something like “With all this in your head you will never do anything with your life.”

So, we learned our lesson and stopped not only sharing our opinions with others, we stopped sharing our opinions with our own selves, we block them, we hide them, we don’t allow them even to be thought of by us; we act like they are not there.

But these beliefs are there and they matter.

Each time we deny ourselves to share them we deny part of ourselves, we betray ourselves.

There are two things that stop us: we worry about what others will say and we worry about how others will feel.

Let me tell you that you can never affect someone else’s feelings, NEVER. Everybody feels specific emotions based on their experiences and beliefs; you are never responsible for the feelings of others.

This is huge right now…deeply understanding this can help you immensely and can give you the green light to share your beliefs and opinions without worrying.

And regarding what people say to you when you share your opinions or dare to do so, it is only their view of life…we are entitled to have an opinion and talk about our experiences, whatever we say about others, do not count.


Because each and every one of us have our own paradigms, limited beliefs and when we “correct” or criticise others we follow behaviours that we have seen… how others criticise us or how we have learned to criticise ourselves.

People who know who they are, understand all the above and lead their lives with increased self awareness will never criticise another person’s opinion. They understand that they are entitled to one and this speaks for their lives and journeys, only. These people are the ones who will be there to listen to you no matter what and these are the people you should look out for.

So, next time you want to share your opinion and speak your mind regarding what you want, go through fear and do it even if others laugh at you. The amount of joy, freedom and confidence you will feel being true to yourself will help you do it over and over again.

Start small, say something to your colleague that you believe, or to your kid or partner. They may get surprised by you if you haven’t done it before but remember they can get used to it if this is what matters to you.

Speaking your mind and speaking your truth helps you identify who you are and what you want and this is very important for your own self worth and growth.

It is time to start sharing your wants and desires, your biggest dreams, what you want your life to be. Find people who can listen to you and not laugh at you.

In my Leadership Programme, ALL the groups provide a safe space where everybody is cheered on, loved and accepted whatever they say, whatever they believe and deeply desire.

Every opinion matters, all are equal, accepted and held on in this safe space.

Find a group of people who will be there for you to cheer you on, to love you and accept you exactly as you are.

You need it to take the first steps of being true to you.

With love,