The Art Of Letting Go

allowchange change leadare lettinggo newbeginnings newlife Aug 14, 2023

How come we struggle to let go when we can feel our needs are different and we have changed so much? Get some insights of how to let go to allow yourself to get the results you need in life. You can do it and the freedom and peace you will feel when doing so will help you take steps that before would be unthinkable. You can do it!

I had no idea that I would have to live almost 50 years to learn to let go.

Let go of people, relationships, jobs, tasks, hobbies, cities. 

You see, since a very young age what had been ingrained to me was to always see what I was starting to the end. To keep going, to try harder to finish. In a few words, I had deeply learned to not let go.

In business letting go can be presented as letting go of an offer, client, colleague, partnership, letting go of a platform etc. you get the essence.

Letting go has to do with allowing yourself to assess and decide that this is not working for you and it is OK to start over, to look for a better alternative, for another option, or in the case of the alternative not being evident, to allow yourself time,  space and energy for it to present itself to you.

Does this make sense?

How many of you have been dragging friendships that do not work anymore, meaning they do not offer what you are looking for?

How many of you are struggling right now trying to keep the partnership, the marriage, the job?

If this is you, let me tell you today that you are allowed to let go.

You have permission to let go, you don’t have to suffer anymore and try to make it work; if this doesn’t work in any way, you FEEL it in your gut…you sense it and you just ignore it so you can avoid the hustle.

Keeping something that doesn't work holds you from allowing yourself to find what it is that works right now for you.

You can allow yourself to breathe, to have fun, to enjoy the freedom and to take the time and energy you need to find the next thing that will WORK for you as you are now.

Every minute of every day we change…biologically we are in a continuous change.

So, keeping people, relationships and services that once worked does not do us any good; it is like choosing to hold yourself in the past. 

If this doesn’t feel right, it is time to let go.

You don’t have to try to keep it because every time you do this, you betray your own self, your current needs and deep desires.

Allow yourself to take a breath and allow your life to change with you.

This is your right.

It can not work any other way.

And if you find yourself needing help, let me help you, this is what I do: I help people change their lives as they change themselves.

I have your back.

With love,